جامعة نوفوسيبيرك الحكومية | Study In Russia
الدراســـة في روســــيا في جامعات معترف بها دوليا.
تاريج التحديث: مايو 4, 2022

جامعة نوفوسيبيرك الحكومية

Novosibirsk state university is located in the world-famous scientific center – Akademgorodok. 80% of NSU faculty members are scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. So education is carried out in close connection with the world-class scientific achievements.

80% of NSU teachers are scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Education is carried out in tight relation with scientific achievements of world level.

Students get first-hand knowledge as they learn about breakthroughs and discoveries far beyond what appears in textbooks.

جامعة نوفوسيبيرك الحكومية /  Novosibirsk State University

Medical Education in English

دراسة الطب البشري باللغة الانجليزية، السعر 6500 $ للسنة، تسجيل الاقامة 130 $، السكن 25 $ شهريا، التأمين الصحي 110 $.

Bachelor programs taught in Russian

Title of majorTerm of educationFacultyEducation cost, 1st year, USD, ex VATEducation cost, 1st year, €, ex VAT
Mathematics4 yearsFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics45003360
Applied Mathematics and Informatics4 yearsFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics45003360
4 yearsFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics45003360
Mathematics and Сomputer science4 yearsFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics45003360
Physics4 yearsFaculty of Physics45003360
Сhemistry4 yearsFaculty of Physics45003360
Geology4 yearsFaculty of Geology and Geophysics45003360
Biology4 yearsFaculty of Natural Sciences45003360
Information and Measuring Systems4 yearsFaculty of Information Technologies45003360
Information and Measuring Systems (Applied Bachelor program) 4 yearsHigher College of Informatics45003360
Psychology4 yearsFaculty of Psychology45003360
Economics4 yearsFaculty of Economics45003360
Management4 yearsFaculty of Economics45003360
Business Informatics4 yearsFaculty of Economics45003360
Sociology4 yearsFaculty of Economics45003360
Law4 yearsFaculty of Economics45003360
Law4 yearsFaculty of Law45003360
Oriental and African Studies 4 yearsFaculty of Humanities45003360
Journalism4 yearsFaculty of Journalism45003360
Philology4 yearsFaculty of Humanities45003360
Linguistics4 yearsFaculty of Foreign Languages45003360
Fundamental and Applied Linguistics4 yearsFaculty of Humanities45003360
History4 yearsFaculty of Humanities45003360
Philosophy4 yearsFaculty of Philosophy45003360



الاوراق المطلوبة:

  1. صورة عن كل صفحات الجواز.
  2. صورة عن الشهادة الثانوية العامة.
  3. رسالة تبين سبب إختيار الجامعة.
  4. شهادة تعلم اللغة الإنجليزي/ أي شهادة.




Master’s programs taught in Russian

Full-time course of studies. 120 credits. Cost is specified for foreign students, except CIS citizens.

Title of majorTerm of educationFacultyEducation cost, 1st year, USD, ex VATEducation cost, 1st year, €, ex VAT
Mathematics2 yearsFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics52003890
Mathematics and Сomputer science2 yearsFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics52003890
Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling2 yearsFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics52003890
Applied Mathematics and Informatics2 yearsFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics52003890
Physics2 yearsFaculty of Physics52003890
Сhemistry2 yearsFaculty of Natural Sciences52003890
Biology2 yearsFaculty of Natural Sciences52003890
Geology2 yearsFaculty of Geology and Geophysics52003890
Economics2 yearsFaculty of Economics52003890
Management2 yearsFaculty of Economics52003890
Sociology2 yearsFaculty of Economics52003890
Software Engineering2 yearsFaculty of Information Technologies52003890
Journalism2 yearsFaculty of Journalism52003890
Philosophy2 yearsFaculty of Philosophy52003890
Philology2 yearsFaculty of Humanities52003890
History2 yearsFaculty of Humanities52003890
Law2 yearsFaculty of Law52003890

Sharing is caring!

    • Safwn on 6 أبريل، 2019 at 01:10


    السلام عليكم
    كم تكلفة دراسة الطب البشري باللغة الروسية للسنة الواحدة؟؟

    1. Reply

      أهلا، ما زلنا نسأل عن شيئ مكتوب جوابه، في الصفحة التي تكتب تعليقك فيه مكتوب.

    • ali on 22 مايو، 2019 at 16:57


    ماهي تكلفة السنة التحضيرية ؟ وسنة بكلوريوس فيزياء؟

    1. Reply

      السنة التحضيرية 3500 €..التخصص 4500 $

    • محمد on 10 يوليو، 2019 at 07:08


    السلام عليكم اخوي اخوي هل فيها طب الأسنان وكم التكلفة

    1. Reply

      أهلا، لا يوجد.

    • AA. AHMAD on 25 فبراير، 2021 at 20:18


    هل يوجددراسة للطب باللغة الأنجليزية طوال مدة البرنامج ( طوال ال 6 سنوات) ؟

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